Our Democratic Values
The Lincoln County Democrats of Oregon believe in defending democracy and the rights and freedoms guaranteed under the U.S. and State Constitutions, promoting a vibrant and environmentally sustainable economy that builds a strong middle class, and ensuring a healthy planet for future generations.
People have the right to live without fear of bodily harm, whether directly caused by others or indirectly caused by a polluted environment, toxic drinking water, dangerous products, or extreme weather caused by climate change. Public health and safety are collective goods that must be protected by following facts and science, not money, fear, nor cynical politics.
People have a right to legally use public spaces without fear of being harmed by others. We believe in accountable, equitable, and fair community policing, in partnership with social and health services, to enforce the law and protect public safety. We support reasonable regulation of gun ownership and restrictions on access to weapons of mass murder.
We believe in government policy that supports science-based solutions to stop climate change, preserve biodiversity, and protect the public health. We believe that investing in all people with quality education, housing, and health services will benefit the entire community and give everyone the greatest opportunity to thrive.
People have the right to think freely, express themselves, and behave lawfully without interference by the government. This includes protection of a free press. Freedom of worship requires separation of Church and State in all government and government-contracted functions.
Privacy and Bodily Autonomy
People have the right to autonomy and freedom to make decisions about their own bodies without government interference. This includes freedom from governmental control over personal matters such as birth control, abortion, gender identity, sexual preference, end-of-life care, no-fault divorce, and marriage between consenting adults.
Pursuit of Happiness
People have the right to live and find happiness in their own ways, as long as it is legal and doesn’t infringe on the rights of others.
All people must be treated equitably and justly by the government, including by public schools, police, and the courts, with no one group being favored or discriminated against.
No one, regardless of position or rank, is above the law. Laws against white-collar crime, such as tax evasion and fraud, must be enforced.
Historical and ongoing discrimination at all levels of public policy, regulation, and law enforcement has harmed and continues to harm People of Color, Indigenous Peoples, women, people with disabilities, and members of the LGBTQ+ community. Government at all levels must remedy historic and ongoing racism and discrimination and be vigilant against new technologies and government programs that reinforce historical disparities. It is the government’s role to ensure that privately owned public accommodations, from florists to hospitals, provide services without illegal discrimination.
Common Good
The public sector’s role is to serve our entire community, including by protecting democracy, individual rights, public health and safety, and our natural environment. Laws must be made for the good of the whole and for future generations. Public policy must be designed to lift people out of poverty, strengthen the middle class, and reduce extreme wealth inequality.
Public officials must be prevented from self-dealing at the public expense and corrupt influence. There must be transparency in and restrictions on campaign finance and the financial activities of public officials and employees.
Equity and Diversity
We embrace diversity and work toward equality, inclusion, and representation in our party, our community, and in government. Our diversity is our strength and our future.
Every person must be guaranteed equal treatment under the law and in access to public accommodations, regardless of age, ability, place of birth, income, race, religion, sex, or gender identity. Government must protect people from illegal discrimination and acts of hate. Public policy must address economic disparity and environmental damage and promote a healthy and equitable future.
We support immigration laws that are fair, humane, follow international protocols, and effectively support U.S. businesses and labor.
Democracy depends on governmental accountability and transparency. Public records and open government laws must be strengthened and upheld. There must be transparency behind private funding of political campaigns and propaganda, foreign and domestic.
Our survival as a species depends on accepting the truth, scientific facts, and basing public policy in reality.
Our future as a peaceful democratic republic and as a community depends on teaching children accurate history that reflects the experiences of all peoples.
Freedom of thought and speech are critical to a functioning democracy. Accountability for funding of political speech does not conflict with free speech.
Elected officials and public employees must work first and foremost to defend the United States and its Constitution and to uphold its laws. Government agencies established in furtherance of the policies set out by elected representatives are public servants and must work for the public good according to the law and following accepted science, expertise, and professional ethics and standards.
We Love Lincoln County
From the magic of the ocean, through forests, valleys, waterways, and into the Coast Range, Lincoln County is full of natural beauty and an abundance of resources. Our home offers a wonderful range of economic, educational, and recreational opportunities to residents and visitors. People living and working in Lincoln County need government that prioritizes protecting our natural treasures and the health of our environment; building a dynamic economy that includes sustainable fisheries, forestry, and farming; protecting and creating livable neighborhoods; helping lift people out of poverty and homelessness; protecting public health and safety; and building community by supporting quality education, cultural activities, and civic engagement.