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Lincoln County Democratic Party

Democrats We Support

October Monthly Meeting in Lincoln City

Come to our October 24 meeting at the Lincoln City Community Center, 5pm – 6:30pm.

October Democrats Step Up Newsletter

With the election only a month away, we are offering this special edition featuring all local Democratic candidates who wished to be included. Information was provided by the candidates.NOTICE: This is copy 01 of the newsletter because a candidate was inadvertently left out.  This is the corrected copy.
Claire Hall Lincoln County Commissioner
Many of you have stepped up in support of my campaign for re-election for Lincoln County Commissioner. Thank you. Now I ask that you keep my name in your conversations with others. My campaign is also in need of financial contributions.I cannot think of anyone more dangerous to have as a member of the governing body of Lincoln County, than my opponent. It seems absurd that he has a chance of being elected, but he does. The local Republicans have rallied, raised money, and made him relevant. Many of our newer community members don’t know his history, here, and are at risk of having their sensibilities manipulated. Here is a brief list of my most recent accomplishments on behalf of our county:
§ Helped community navigate through COVID-19 Pandemic and Echo Mountain Fire.§ Sheltered unhoused neighbors and created a resource-pipeline.§ Negotiated funding for Lincoln County from State Legislature.§ Worked with partners to:Develop hundreds of new housing units—including for Veterans.Develop programs to help our addiction pandemic in an effort to curtail community devastation. Create Oregon’s only Highway Pollinator CorridorSecure permanent preservation of significant
Re-elect Claire Hall as your County CommissionerClaire gets results. We need her experience.
Todd Barker for Lincoln City Council As a lifelong Oregonian and dedicated community servant, I am seeking re-election to the Lincoln City Council to continue advocating for our residents’ needs. With over 30 years of experience in the Information Technology sector, my expertise has honed my analytical and problem-solving skills—qualities essential for effective governance.My commitment to public service extends beyond my professional life. I have been actively involved in several non-profit organizations, working to improve our community’s well-being. I prioritize listening to community members and making informed, data-driven decisions that reflect our shared values.During my short tenure on the City Council, I have championed transparency, fiscal responsibility, and sustainable development. My vision for Lincoln City includes enhancing public safety, supporting small businesses, and preserving our natural environment for future generations. I am passionate about fostering a vibrant, inclusive community where everyone can thrive.
Your vote is essential, and I humbly ask for your support to continue serving Ward 1 and to keep moving Lincoln City forward.
Todd Barker, Lincoln City CouncilVisit for more information.
Sandra Roumagoux for Newport City CouncilI listen; then act. I have lived in Newport, Oregon, for nearly 40 years and bring to the Newport City Councilor position a history of public service that gives me a background for current and future agenda items that will be brought before the Council.Collaboration, communication and courage are the important tools I use.
A few examples now before the Council are low cost housing and, once built, how they are managed is an important concern to be addressed; the dam project and how is more funding going to be raised to complete the structure; a decision regarding Newport’s Municipal Airport and how to get commuter airline service; the upgrades needed for Newport’s waste water and sewer system.If elected, I look forward to serving with my fellow council members and working with Newport’s new city manager.OCCUPATION:Self Employed Artist Instructor of PaintingOCCUPATIONAL BACKGROUND:College Instructor of the Visual ArtsArtist, Self EmployedEDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND:Master of Fine Arts, University of Arkansas, FayettevilleBachelor of Science, University of Arkansas, FayettevilleCorvallis High School, Oregon, DiplomaPRIOR GOVERNMENTAL EXPERIENCE:Mayor, City of Newport, OR, 2013-2019Councilor, City of Newport, OR, 2011-2013; Board of Education, Oregon Coast Community College, 2003-2011;Budget Committee, Oregon Coast Community College; Police Advisory Committee, Newport, OR;Visual Arts Committee, Newport, OR;
Kevin HohnbaumCandidate for Lincoln City Council, Ward IIIHi! I’m Kevin Hohnbaum. My wife, Jane Mulholland, and I have owned a home in Lincoln City for 15 years and lived here full-time for the past 8 years. We have grandkids in the LC school district and we love sharing the history and vibrancy of our community with them.
I’m a member of the LC Chamber of Commerce, volunteer for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and for the Oregon Shores Conservation Coalition. I’m also the board president and a member of the Lincoln Pops Big Band.As a member of the LC budget committee for the past 8 years, I’ve had the opportunity to learn about each of the city departments and goals. I’ve also worked side-by-side with the council and with staff.If elected, I’d like to focus on four areas:Livability Connect sidewalks throughout the city Support parks, LC Community Center and LC Cultural Center Fund and implement plans to improve beach accessBusiness Development and Support Keep permit process, sign codes and restrictions to a minimum Invest in economic tools to help businesses growLincoln City Financial Health Invest prudently in infrastructure Maintain quality roads Plan for utility needs and keep rates low Emergency Preparedness Ensure a clear communication plan Incorporate lessons from Otis fire and develop clear escape plansI believe Lincoln City is moving in a positive direction and I invite you to join me in keeping Lincoln City a great place to live, play, work and raise families.
Steven HickmanCandidate for Newport City Council
My wife Shelley and I chose Newport as our retirement home after looking across Oregon. Newport ticked all the boxes, and we have appreciated discovering the friendliness, beauty and  vitality of a city that blends local industry and tourism – not always an easy alliance!As a teacher of mindfulness and compassion, and former Executive Director of international non- profit organizations, I bring a fresh perspective to Newport leadership. My parents were both Oregon Ducks, so this state is in my DNA and I am inspired to help make Newport a model community that actively supports and encourages all its residents.
Knowing how much Newport has to offer, we can work harder to become more attractive and inviting so that we feel proud of our city and visitors are inclined to explore, dine and partake in all that is here.As a psychologist, I know how important communication is, and many residents are unfortunately not well-informed about City business. I hope to actively explore more ways to engage residents and encourage greater participation in discussions of key issues and decisions that impact us all.Shelley and I are excited about our future in Newport and look forward to being an active part of the community. I humbly ask for your vote in November!
Cynthia Jacobi for Newport City Council(non-partisan)I have been a strong advocate for public health and safety, childcare, beautification, housing and economic growth. However, elections are about the future. My continuing goals are to listen and learn in order to ask the right questions at City Hall. I will use the best information to consider issues in a non-partisan spirit and a collaborative approach.
My priorities are:Economic Health– Providing infrastructure for the public and for business to function- Funding to rebuild our dam and our Waste Water Treatment Plant.Environmental Health– Supporting goals of the Lincoln County Climate Action Plan- Supporting purchase of wetlands in Big Creek Reservoir area- Protecting our ocean and beaches from plastic pollutionEssentials of Life– Supporting adequate shelter for all- Providing dignified services to vulnerable peopleEquity– Honoring the value of diversity and international cultures- Providing more playgrounds and parks throughout our city- Ensuring safe roads and pedestrian crossings for bikes and walkers
I am eager to continue my work with the City and with our new City Manager.I believe that everyone’s concerns are important. I am honored to represent you.I respectfully ask for your vote.Occupation: Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist; Advanced Practice Nurse; RetiredOccupational Background: Samaritan Pacific Communities Hospital; Oregon EyeCenterEducational Background: Nurse Anesthesia BS; Wesley Medical Center; Wichita KSPrior Government Experience: Newport City Council. Appointed 2019; elected 2020Committees where I serve the City:Budget, Audit, Airport, Public Arts, Lincoln County Housing Advisory BoardLiaison and City Representative on these committees:Affordable Housing Partners, Lincoln County Public Safety, Solid Waste AdvisoryCommittee, Lincoln County ConsortiumCommunity Leadership:Food Share Lincoln County Board of Directors, Central Oregon Coast NOWFoundation.
Jan KaplanCandidate for Mayor of NewportI’ve been on the Newport City Council since January 2022 and was appointed as Mayor in August 2023 by the City Council. Newport has been my community since 1999.
My priorities are:Saving and preserving our water systems by replacing our dam and wastewater treatment facility.Standing up for and engaging with all citizens including the LGBTQ+ and Hispanic communities. Increasing housing units and supporting humane and realistic solutions for houseless people. Protecting our environment by seeking utilization of alternative fuels andProtecting the Big Creek watershed through forest land acquisitionPreparing our community for emergencies like earthquakes, tsunamis and wildfires. Improving our roads.Implementing practical ways to address climate change and fossil fuel reliance..Sadly, I am running unopposed. So are the three City Council candidates (who I think will be excellent). City Council work is hard and time consuming. It is incredibly important to establish a budget, oversee our City administration, set priorities and plan for very complex issues. The growth and prosperity of Newport requires folks willing and able to face our challenges and find solutions. We must find ways to incentivize elected service to attract talented, diverse future-oriented leaders.
Andrew Keating, Candidate for Toledo City CouncilAndrew Keating has dedicated his career to public service as an educator and communicator. Beginning in 2019, he shifted his focus from higher education to systems-building work for state and local agencies supporting young children, their families, and the early childhood workforce.
Andrew moved to Toledo in 2023, where his strategic communications consultancy, Cobalt Creative continues to support state and local agencies, nonprofits, and small businesses.  He has dedicated his career to public service as an educator and communicator. Beginning in 2019, he shifted his focus from higher education to systems-building work for state and local agencies supporting young children, their families, and the early childhood workforce. Andrew moved to Toledo in 2023, where his strategic communications consultancy, Cobalt Creative continues to support state and local agencies, nonprofits, and small businesses. Andrew is running for city council because he loves living in Toledo and believes local government is where he can do the most good for the community. He currently serves on the city’s Budget Committee and the Toledo Chamber of Commerce board of directors. Andrew is eager to bring a unique perspective to Toledo City Council. Policy & Advocacy PrioritiesEducation: From early child care settings through college, every child deserves the opportunity to succeed. Family support: All families should have equitable access to the resources they need to thrive. Mental health:We must support the diverse needs of all members of our community and ensure that our health systems are accessible and sustainable. Environmental conservation: Protecting our natural resources strengthens our local economy and workforce, and preserves the recreational experiences that make Oregon the most beautiful place to live. email:
Jo Beaudreau Democratic Candidate for Oregon State Senate – District
A message from Jo Beaudreau“Our community works hard. Whether it’s the fisherman who sets out each day before sunrise, the pulp worker who always tucks her children into bed, or the small business owner striving to keep the doors open for another month – the South & Central coast has been forged by grit, determination, and a passion for this spectacular place we call home.” Too many politicians have forgotten what makes Oregon special, but not Jo. She lives it every single day. In Salem, we can count on Jo to put Coastal Oregonians first by:Creating good paying jobs & supporting small businessesInvesting in infrastructure and emergency preparedness  Honoring your tax dollars by fighting against reckless spendingReducing homelessness to improve public safety & get people off the streets and onto a better lifeInvesting in local schools to improve graduation rates and create real opportunity for our childrenTaking on the special interests and Salem politicians whenever they overlook the needs of rural Oregon​When it comes to standing up for the South & Central Coast: No one will fight harder for us than Jo.
Re-elect Val HoyleOregon State Representative District 4
September 18, 2024“I’m thrilled that my bill, the POWER Act, passed the committee today with the strong support of my Democratic and Republican colleagues. As the threat of severe weather events continues to increase, we should be investing taxpayer dollars into critical infrastructure that can withstand the next disaster instead of building back the same way,” said Hoyle. “My bill gives electric utilities more tools to rebuild for resilience after a disaster, boosting local safety and economies. I’d like to thank Rep. Mike Ezell for his partnership on this bill and I’ll continue working to get it signed into law.”   “My lived experiences help me support those who don’t always have a seat at the table. My motto is never forget where you came from and never be afraid to do what’s right.”
Let’s make our presence known!We could use your help! Please join us in holding signs for our candidates.Thursdays from 3 to 4 pm on Hwy 101 in the Nelscott neighborhood ofLincoln CitySaturdays from 12 to 2 pm at the intersection of Hwy 101 and Rt 20 in Newport
Lincoln County DemocratsThe LCDCC spends the majority of our budget on printed materials, stamps, campaign signs, shirts, meeting costs, and we are buying ad space as well. This is a critical election and we need all the help we can get. Please donate today by clicking on the blue button below. We can only accomplish as much as our work and generosity together allow.
Donate Here Sign up for newsletter here
You can also mail a check to:
Lincoln County Democrats of Oregon, P.O. Box 882, Gleneden Beach, OR 97388
Donate to Kamala Harris Rally for Democracy! Rally for Kamala Harris!Every Saturday at noon in Newport @ corner of 101 and 20Every Thursday from 3 pm to 4 pm in Nelscott on 101To our readers: For the latest information about our events, programs and pictures, please visit our website at lincolncountydemocratsoregon.comLogo of a blue wave and a whale. "Your vote, your voice>" Lincoln County Democrats.” src=””></td></tr><tr><td><strong>Democrats Step Up!</strong>To receive our newsletters regularly, sign up here. Also, please feel free to forward this newsletter to any of your friends who may be interested in supporting Democrats in Lincoln County.</td></tr><tr><td><a href=Newsletter sign-up
We hope you are enjoying from our newsletter. Please send any comments or suggestions to dems@lincolncountydemocratsoregon.comLynetta Richardson, editorMarta West, graphic designer
Copyright (C) 2024 Lincoln County Democrats Oregon. All rights reserved.
From the Lincoln County Democrats Oregon Contact file

Our mailing address is:
Lincoln County Democrats OregonPO BOX 882 Gleneden Beach, Oregon 97388 USA

Want to change how you receive these emails?You can update your preferences or unsubscribe
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Register to Vote

Are you ready to vote in November? Have you registered in Oregon yet? Tuesday, October 15th is the last day to register to vote for the Nov. 5th General Election (Presidential Election). 

If you’re not sure whether you’re registered to vote, or just want to make sure your registration is still active, you can easily check your voter status at the Oregon Secretary of State’s My Vote* website. Click on the blue “Go to My Vote” button, you’ll be asked to prove you’re not a robot, then asked to enter your first name, last name, and date of birth. Click the “submit” button and you’ll be able to see your current voter status. 

Most people are automatically registered to vote when they apply for an Oregon driver’s license or other photo ID at the DMV. However, if you’re not registered, you can pick up Oregon State voter registration forms at the library. Look for the large red, white, and blue “VOTE” poster just past the front desk. The form will ask you for your basic contact information, then for your Oregon Driver’s License Number, or your Social Security Number, or, if you have neither, you’ll be asked to attach a copy of an acceptable alternate form of identification from the list on the form. Once you fill out the form, you simply have to mail it or deliver it to the County Clerk’s office in Newport. To be valid for this year’s Presidential election, your form must be postmarked no later than Tuesday, October 15th

In Oregon, you can also register to vote online. Simply visit the Online Voter Registration Page on the Secretary of State’s website** and click on the blue “Register to Vote Now” button. You’ll be asked two qualifying yes/no questions (Are you a U.S. citizen? and Are you at least 16 years of age?), then taken to the registration page after you click the blue “continue” button. Simply fill out the requested information, submit, and you’re registered to vote! Online voter registration must be completed by 11:59 p.m. on Tuesday, October 15th in order to be eligible to vote in this year’s Presidential election.  

Voting is one of the most important activities you can take part in as a U.S. citizen. Make sure you’re registered, and if not, please register today! And then remember to VOTE!

Bring Your Enthusiasm in Lincoln City Every Thursday!

Join us every Thursday until November in Lincoln City at 3pm-4pm to wave candidate signs at Nelscott. Bring candidate signs if you have them. We have signs if you don’t. Come help elect Democratic candidates!

Rally for Democracy Every Saturday in Newport!

Show your Democratic enthusiasm with us every Saturday, noon-2pm, City Hall in Newport

Do You Want to Help Elect Democrats

Become a Neighborhood Leader

Please click to learn more about the Lincoln County Neighborhood Leader Program

Lisa Spence, Chair of the Coordinated Campaign Committee


Voting Information

Check your registration

Visit to check or update your registration. You’ll need your name, birthday and driver’s license or state identification number

Run for Local Office and Help Recruit Candidates

Running for one of the many local offices across Lincoln County is a great way make a difference in your community! City Council seats are regularly up for election in every jurisdiction, as are positions on other kinds of local governing bodies. Find out from your city clerk/recorder how and when to file for a City position, and see the detailed election information on the Lincoln County Clerk Website. Think about running for office yourself, ask folks you know would make great leaders, and/or help us recruit candidates by volunteering for our candidate recruitment committee! Email to help recruit candidates or for tips on filing for local office.

Start your research and planning now for future elections! Some ideas and resources:

Please consider supporting our work with a donation through ActBlue to help us serve you and all of Lincoln County! Your donations help us support Democratic candidates and promote a progressive agenda locally and statewide.

You can also mail a check to:
Lincoln County Democrats of Oregon, P.O. Box 882, Gleneden Beach, OR 97388

Help Keep Lincoln County Blue!

Get involved! Join us in person and on Zoom for our general meetings and special events. Sign up for Lincoln County Democratic Party emails using the form on this page, donate, become a Precinct Committee Person, and spread the word! When we get out the vote, Democrats win!

Donate via Act Blue

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