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Not My President Rally in Newport

Bring your sign and enthusiasm to the corner of Hwy 101 and Hwy 20 in Newport at noon on Feb 17 for the Not My President rally

We Say No to Kings in America Rally in Newport

Newport City Hall 169 SW Coast Hwy, Newport, OR, United States

Rally with us on March 4, n00n-2pm, at Newport City Hall. Or carpool to the 50501 rally in Salem.

International Women’s Day Rally in Newport!

Newport City Hall 169 SW Coast Hwy, Newport, OR, United States

Celebrate Women's achievements and demand their rights with us on Saturday March 8, noon-1pm, at Newport City Hall, 169 SW Coast Hwy

Rally to Support Federal Workers in Newport

Newport City Hall 169 SW Coast Hwy, Newport, OR, United States

Rally in support of federal workers on Wednesday March 12 5pm-6pm at Newport City Hall

Veterans Day Rally in Newport

Newport City Hall 169 SW Coast Hwy, Newport, OR, United States

Rally with us in support of Veterans on Friday, March 14, noon-1pm in front of Newport City Hall

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